The future of the left since 1884

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A frontline view

If we want a world-class health service, we need to pay for it. Labour must make that case
The plight of the NHS consistently ranks high on the list of voters’ concerns – and in media column inches. But from inside...

The biggest attack on the NHS

No one disputes that something needs to be done to solve the crisis in the NHS. When the deaths of two patients after long waits on trolleys in hospital corridors in January prompted the Red Cross to declare the NHS...

Our mental health

Apparently, Jeremy Corbyn has a wooden elephant sculpture in his office which he points at whenever people avoid talking about the most pressing issue.

Before turning to Labour’s mental health policy, I am going to take Jeremy’s lead and mention the...

Winning public trust

Labour should remember that first and foremost we are all patients and users of the NHS. That means we all have experiences – good and bad – of our health service. How Labour talks about the NHS must resonate with...

Shaping the campaign

The opinion polls currently point towards a general election result for the Labour party so catastrophic it leads to a political earthquake and the long-term realignment of British politics. Theresa May’s Conservatives are significantly ahead on critical indicators of electoral...

Health localism: what the English public thinks

Greater Manchester's experiment in NHS devolution turns one today, but do poeple in the rest of England want to follow? Andrew Harrop, Tobias Phibbs and Tara Paterson outline the findings of a national opinion poll for the Fabian Society
NHS devolution...

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