The future of the left since 1884

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The Great Clock

He wasn’t the sort of person you wanted for a neighbour, he was direct, rude, bombastic, right-wing, opinionated and… generally right! This was Edmund Beckett Denison the designer of the Great Clock at the Palace of Westminster and the bell...

The little tramp of the left

Charlie Chaplin was not only a comic genius but a citizen of the world and progressive campaigner. And his political story has surprising resonances today, as Richard Carr explains
For much of the interwar period the left was awash with ideas,...

Transforming the country

‘May you live in interesting times’ as the phrase says. Well few would dispute the fact that we have, ever since the exit poll on the night of the 2015 General Election which pointed to our worst fears - that...

Family and kinship for the 21st century

Finding affordable, good quality, flexible childcare has long been a headache for working parents. But the government has plans to address this issue. This September the amount of free childcare offered to three and four year olds in England will...

The grammar problem

The return of grammar schools to the political agenda of the UK government should be a huge concern for progressives. What’s of even greater concern is how the Tory government has attempted to articulate the proposals within the discourse of...

A rich collective history

Shaping the national debate post-Brexit
Many of us who had campaigned to remain woke up to a sense of deep and inexorable loss when it was announced the UK had voted to leave the European Union. Although the polls had indicated...

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