The future of the left since 1884

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Keeping it local

When Theresa May called a snap general election, it was supposed to call time on one of the most tumultuous periods in our political history. Politics has barely paused to catch breath since 23 June last year, when Britain’s political...

Return to a two horse race

“Politics has changed and politics isn’t going back into the box where it was before” no truer words were ever spoken by a Labour leader. British politics has changed and not just in the obvious way, take a look at...

Where next for the people's party?

Having worked in the West Midlands regional office during the general election campaign, Lord Roy Kennedy reflects on Labour's electoral successes and how the party can build on these in the months and years to come.
Harold Wilson famously told us...

Bringing democracy online

Online voting is not only a necessity but an inevitability, writes Areeq Chrowdhury

We’re not even halfway through, and 2017 has already brought about another political earthquake in Western democracy. An earthquake in the sense that an election that was meant...

An even greater prize

Aside from YouGov, did anyone foresee last week’s election result? Most pollsters were way off the mark, as were the majority of those who placed bets on the outcome. Social media is now awash with spliced clips of Labour grandees...

Getting into power

Seven weeks ago, the task facing Jeremy Corbyn was a lot simpler – to survive politically. The assumption was that Labour would be crushed in the general election and the extent of that defeat would determine whether Corbyn could hold...

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