MINESH PAREKH: Our immigration detention system is harming LGBTQI+ people
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KAMAL PREET KAUR: We can't ignore people's worries about immigration -- we must confront them head-on
ANDY FEARN: Labour must tackle the root causes of identity-based violence and division
Thirty years after he helped define the New Labour agenda, David Blunkett is still going strong. He talks to IGGY WOOD about the challenges of government and Labour’s next steps
LLOYD HATTON MP: The sorry saga of the Bibby Stockholm will soon come to an end as Labour hits reset on the asylum crisis
In this pamphlet, Will Somerville and Sarah Mulley set out robust proposals to reform our migration system. They argue that it must be based on sound principles: it must be fair, it must be grounded in democratic consent, and it must respect people’s rights under the law.