"This is a budget for an ‘aspiration nation’" according to George Osborne just a few week's ago. The appeal to aspiration has been rolled out a number of times now by senior Conservative party figures. Cameron used it as he...
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13.46: That brings the Budget to a close, check back at the Fabian Review for a round-up and responses. Thanks
13.44: Housing completions now at their lowest levels since the 1920s, the result of a 'failing economic plan from a failing...
Ever since the failure of Northern Rock in 2007, it has been clear that the UK’s banking system is not working. A crisis in the banking system led to a collapse in GDP, a large rise in unemployment and the...
What forms of supply-side reform would do most to boost UK growth over the medium to long term? Bizarrely, much of the recent debate has concentrated on reducing various forms of labour market regulation (procedures for unfair dismissal, health and...
George Osborne arrived at the Treasury in May 2010 vowing to slash borrowing, get banks lending again and boost economic growth. Two-and-a-half years on, after the longest double recession since the second world war, it is clear he has neither...
When I was growing up the north east was the UK’s industrial powerhouse. Quite literally: the coal which fed the power stations which fuelled our industry was beneath our feet. Across Newcastle, the end of the school year would see...