2012 also saw the launch of our new Fabian policy reports, with Beveridge at 70 being the third in the series. The report includes contributions from Kate Green, Estelle Morris, Jose Harris, Anne Begg and Nick Pearce.
The Beveridge report was...
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Mention the name ‘Beveridge’ and chances are that your mind will spring to his 1942 report: the blueprint for the post-war welfare state. It set out how the state should take responsibility for the welfare of citizens by providing free...
Exactly 70 years ago, William Beveridge published the white paper that would revolutionise Britain. The story of the report is one of high principles. Principles that are simple and strong remain to this day. Principles inspired by old British values...
For a technical report of a government committee, the popularity and influence of the Beveridge Report has probably never been exceeded in British history. It sold 100,000 copies within weeks of publication, and racked up over 600,000 sales in total,...
70 years ago, at one of the darkest moments of the second world war, an obscure interdepartmental report on Social Insurance and Allied Services, composed by a temporary wartime civil servant, William Beveridge, suddenly shot to fame as what was...
This week, as part of a London assembly investigation I am leading in to food poverty, results from a survey of teachers in London were published. This revealed that over 95 per cent of those teachers who responded said that...