Prescription For Fairness - Health inequalities launch event in partnership with ABPI & Lloyds Pharmacy
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Join Margaret Greenwood MP & Stephen Timms MP to debate prospects for social security in the new parliament and hear findings from new Fabian research
Discussing the challenges that face women in the world of work and what policies are required to address these and ensure greater gender equality in the workplace. Organised by the Changing Work Centre - a joint research initiative from Community and the Fabian Society.
Caroline Flint MP, Anna Turley MP, Sue Ferns and Antonia Bance discussing the challenges facing trade unions and the innovations they need to thrive. Organised by the Changing Work Centre – a joint research initiative from Community and the Fabian Society.
The launch of the Lamy Group report setting out a compelling progressive agenda responding to rapid changes in society, technological leaps, major demographic changes and the intensification of globalisation.