The future of the left since 1884

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Education matters

This autumn marks twenty-one years since Tony Blair’s famous pledge on the priorities of the government he would lead: “education, education, and education”. As that promise comes of age, I have been looking at how the Tories are today failing...

A new statecraft

Devolution offers a real opportunity to reconnect with the ‘left behind’ who are alienated from our democratic institutions. But approaches so far have fallen short, as Jessica Studdert explains
We have had a lot of democracy this year. The results of national polls on both sides of the Atlantic have confounded experts...

A power of good

While Brexiters talk of taking back control from Brussels, the real shift we need is from Westminster to mayors, first ministers and council leaders
2016 has seen some extraordinary events take place. A new prime minister and  government. Donald Trump becoming...

The problem of "English socialism"

There have been many calls over the last few weeks and months for Labour to rediscover patriotism and embrace the idea of a distinctively English – or possibly British – version of socialism, consistent with national identity. This is of...

Bridging the gap

With the triumph of Donald Trump in the United States and the victory of the leave campaign in the EU referendum, a distinct anti-establishment discourse has developed in Europe and the US. But with the continued rise of the Front...

A federal future

His most famous intervention in a referendum campaign was widely credited with saving the Union. But when Gordon Brown weighed in on the side of remain earlier this year, he found himself, unlike with the Scottish vote, on the losing...

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