The future of the left since 1884

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Where’s welfare going?

Welfare has borne the brunt of the coalition’s austerity cuts and George Osborne threatens that another £10 billion will be slashed after the next election, should the Conservatives remain in office.

Plenty for the Opposition to get its teeth stuck into...

One nation implications

Party conference speeches rarely live on beyond the next news cycle. But Ed Miliband’s ‘one nation’ speech will linger in the political consciousness longer than the average – because he told a story about how the policies he recommended were...

Summon the courage to free our cities

Changing the shape of Britain is difficult when you have dug yourself into a hole, and there is no clear direction to take. After misguided property investment by American and British banks almost brought the world’s financial system down, it...

Socialism now

In 1974 Tony Crosland, the leading post-war Labour party intellectual, wrote his last major work, Socialism Now. Three years later he was dead. The title can be meant in two ways. The first is an analysis of socialism (or social...

The many layers of one nation Labour

'One nation' Labour. What a blinder. I am brimming over in admiration for Ed Miliband and his team for this most audacious of rhetorical land grabs. Not because it was a cheeky, clever conference week headline but because it provides...

Frustrated, powerless and ignored

Frustrated, powerless and ignored: the top three words people associate with their experiences of public services. This despite record levels of investment under Labour and 13 years in which public service reform was repeated as a mantra.

Whilst the culture of...

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