In this paper, the Fabian Society's deputy general secretary, Luke Raikes, investigates how well our current employment status framework is working and discusses options for reform. He situates the debate around single worker status, which would merge ‘limb (b)’ workers with those with employee status, in the context of the need for general improvements to employment rights and enforcement.
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In this report, the Fabian Society's general secretary, Andrew Harrop, sets out the case for measures to reduce and redistribute pension tax relief. He also sets out a menu of reform options.
LIANNA ETKIND: Low pay plagues the arts. The government has the power to set things right
ANTONY GORMLEY Q&A: Antony Gormley’s sculptures inhabit not only galleries but rooftops, rivers, and mountains around the world. The Fabian Review asked him what Labour should do to nurture Britain’s ailing arts and culture sector
JOSETT BUSHELL-MINGO: The arts should not be the preserve of a privileged few
MATT MORRISON & GUY OSBORN: Labour must focus on the 'where' and 'when' of support for the arts