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Measure for measure

The global financial crisis of 2008 did not just reveal the structural defects in our economy. It also laid bare the total inadequacy of how government measured success.

Even as bankers at some of the world’s leading financial institutions were clearing...

Measure for measure

These proposed measures are not ends in themselves, but means to delivering the resources and capabilities people need to lead a good life. If the aim is to achieve major structural change to the economy, we should state clearly, in numbers, what types of shifts matter and what degree of change might constitute success.
By Andrew Harrop and Robert Tinker.
March 2014

The real enemies of business

Conservatives claim “helping all Britain’s hard working businesses” is their essential rationale. In contrast, Labour is then portrayed as by definition anti-business.
But, heavily favouring the City, ‘big business’ and international capital, Conservative policies have in reality been unsupportive, even detrimental...

Making work pay: The productivity puzzle

The restraint shown by the Low Pay Commission recently in recommending a three per cent rise in the national minimum wage is justifiable. The LPC has responsibility over a very successful instrument for attacking serious deprivation in the UK: it has almost...

Education for 21st century Britain

Can Labour change Britain? The answer is yes. No other political party, no other political movement has done more to shape the modern UK. Labour shaped the last century for the better through its bold and ambitious post-war effort and...

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