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Silent Majority

New social housing in the UK is a popular idea, as this research shows.
By Natan Doron and Robert Tinker.
September 2014

Climate policy is worth a speech

At last, a member of the shadow cabinet has given a speech about climate change.

Maria Eagle, the shadow environment secretary, went to WWF’s headquarters in Woking yesterday and talked about the choice on offer to the electorate next May: David...

The acid test for international justice

As of today, 1,814 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli forces.  Almost a quarter of the dead are children.  The Israeli military has targeted schools, hospitals and civilian homes in Gaza. Overall the picture is one of carnage and collective...

A new Treasury view

There has always been a strand in Labour thinking that has had it in for the Treasury.

The argument goes that all that is holding a victorious Labour government back from transforming the British economy into a fair, growth-orientated, balanced place...

How Europe can be the future once again

Europe was the future once – and it could be once again. Pro-Europeans like to accuse Nigel Farage and the Eurosceptics of wanting to take the country back to the 1950s, perhaps the 1850s. But the uncomfortable truth is that...

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