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Fabian Review – Winter 2008: Fabian Review - Winter 2008

This winter, the Fabian Review says that - as we enter a recession - we need fairness now more than ever


  • Fabian Review – Winter 2008
  • By Tom Hampson
  • Published 1 December 2008

This winter, the Fabian Review says that – as we enter a recession – we need fairness now more than ever. In this special issue, which ties in with our New Year Conference, ‘Fairness Doesn’t Happen By Chance’, we present a range of specific proposals for ensuring fairness is at the heart of government’s response.

John McFall, argues for tax allowances to take millions of low paid people out of the tax system.

David Coats shows how to tackle City bonuses.

Chris Leslie advocates local authority mortgages

Rachel Reeves argues that government should print more money

Liam Byrne says that we need to do far more on social mobility.

Rachel Briggs says we musn’t forget the middle classes, who have been at the heart of New Labour’s historic coalition.

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Tom Hampson

Tom Hampson is a partner at Soapbox. He formerly worked as editorial director for the Fabian Society.

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