The future of the left since 1884

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Breaking the link

Experiencing money and mental health issues at the same time is awful, and not uncommon. For the four million people in this position every year, the effects can be devastating.

There is no doubt about the causal link between financial and...

Banking reform from the bottom up

Like most people of my generation my first memory of banks wasn't a bank but a building society. But those soon disappeared after the deregulation reforms of the 1980's. After that they weren’t something I paid much attention to other...

Banking reform: Why moving your money matters

On Friday, Labour leader Ed Miliband announced plans to break the monopoly of the big five UK banks, creating two new ‘challenger banks’ in a policy move designed to tap into raw public anger following the banking crisis, recent scandals...

The loan danger: Capping payday lending isn't enough

George Osborne’s astounding U-turn on a payday loan costs cap was greeted with glee from the left and confusion from the right.

It is a victory for the legal loan sharks campaigners, but it isn’t complete.

The growth in payday lending has...

Why it matters: More regional banking

As Labour starts to shape its manifesto for the 2015 election, we know that ideas for economic growth will have to be at the heart of it. If a ‘one nation’ economy is the vision, then it has to be...

A diverse banking system

Ever since the failure of Northern Rock in 2007, it has been clear that the UK’s banking system is not working. A crisis in the banking system led to a collapse in GDP, a large rise in unemployment and the...

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