The UK’s long-hours culture is scarring the economy as well as fuelling a public health crisis.
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The UK has two major regional economy challenges – ‘low growth’ outside the south east, where places don’t have enough good jobs; and ‘overheating’ in the capital, where housing costs are too high.
JAMES COLDWELL: Labour has a bold story to tell on workers' rights
SASJKIA OTTO: the poorest in our society are not just at the bottom of the pile financially. They are also short of another valuable commodity - time.
As Labour’s envoy to British business, it’s up to Jonathan Reynolds to get employers onside in the fight against low wages and sluggish growth. They’re friendlier than you might think, he tells Kate Murray
EWAN MCGAUGHEY: The big questions around common ownership in the UK remain unresolved. How should we tackle them – and where do Keir Starmer's missions fit in?