This week the Conservatives have confirmed that if elected in 2015 they will increase NHS real spending in England, maintain planned levels of pension expenditure and make deep cuts in working age welfare.
Analysis by the Fabian Society, based on the...
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The realisation of social justice is one of the overarching goals of the labour movement. Some have perhaps taken their commitment to a little too far (who can forget David Miliband’s famous proclamation that ‘social justice gets me up in...
Peter Kellner has written of late on how policies themselves do not necessarily have to be popular. They have to be believed. They have to be credible. The example given by Kellner was that the 50p tax announcement by Ed...
Picture the scene. A 50-year-old man arrives at a job centre. He lost his job in heavy industry some years ago and has spent his life since living on government benefits. The economy moved on past his skills, and there...