This wasn’t a Brexit Budget, it was a Brexit uncertainty Budget. Almost all the dire economic and fiscal news that was revealed today was the result, not of Brexit itself, but of the referendum decision and the pending Article 50...
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After a dull campaign, the results of the Scottish election surprised. The SNP consolidated the referendum ‘yes’ voters into party supporters, but lost their overall majority in the Scottish parliament. So another referendum on independence is off the agenda for...
In recent years the focus of fiscal policy in the UK, as in many industrialised countries in the wake of the financial crisis, has been on reducing the overall rate of public expenditure. However, despite a series of reforms to...
Britain has the most centralised tax-setting arrangements of any major democracy. In England, all revenues except council tax are the responsibility of the Exchequer. Until Scotland and Wales are given new tax powers, their governments will still be almost entirely...
Howard Reed finds that the impact of the coalition’s tax and benefit measures could end being as bad for inequality as the Thatcher government’s record. Turning the tide needs to be at the heart of Labour’s strategy for government
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