The future of the left since 1884

Executive committee

We are proud to be a democratically governed, member-led society. Our executive committee is elected by all members every two years.



Sara Hyde (chair)

Sara has worked in the criminal justice system, primarily with women, for 10 years, following a first career in theatre. She has been both a parliamentary and a London Assembly candidate. She was in the inaugural Jo Cox Women in Leadership cohort.

Sonia Adesara (vice-chair)

Sonia Adesara is an NHS GP. She has previously worked in national health policy, as a former National Medical Director’s Clinical fellow, and for the cancer charity Macmillan. She campaigns to improve women’s healthcare and address health inequality. She has published widely in national media and academic journals, regularly features on the broadcast media and has received multiple awards for her campaigning work.

She is on the board of Trustees for the charity Medact, which supports healthcare professionals in addressing social determinants of health. She is the former co-chair of the Medical Women International Association, a global organisation advocating for women’s health.

Paul Richards (treasurer)

Paul Richards is the Labour & Co-operative candidate for Sussex Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC), and chair of East Sussex Co-operative Party. He has served as a special adviser, parliamentary candidate, and aide to Labour MPs. Paul is the author of several Fabian pamphlets, is a regular contributor to Fabian Review, and is a former national Chair of the Fabian Society.

Luke John Davies (vice-chair and local Fabian societies representative)

Dr Luke John Davies is Chair of Birmingham and West Midlands Fabians. He previously sat on the Young Fabians national executive and was instrumental in its development over the years. His PhD research examined the role of youth and student wings in shaping Social Democratic Parliamentarians in Germany and Great Britain. Luke is a regular contributor to the Fabian Review and is currently Vice Chair of the Fabian Society. He is a Labour and Co-operative Councillor in Sandwell and works in health policy. 

Catherine Fookes MP

Catherine Fookes is the MP for Monmouthshire. Previously she was director of Women’s Equality Network (WEN) Wales, a school governor and an alumni of the Fabian Women’s Network mentoring scheme.

She is a Board Member of the Wales Women’s Budget Group.

Liam Byrne MP

Liam is the Labour MP for Birmingham Hodge Hill, a member of His Majesty’s Privy Council, elected Chair of the Global Parliamentary Network on the World Bank and IMF and former Chair of the House of Commons Business and Trade Select Committee. He is a former Gwilym Gibbon Research Fellow at Nuffield College, Oxford, Honorary Professor at the University of Birmingham and author of over twenty publications on economics, foreign policy and public service reform. 

James Prentice

James Prentice is a researcher who is currently working for the Legal Services Board investigating the causes of the inaccessibility of justice. He has a background in political analysis. During his PhD specialised in electoral analysis, specifically explaining the consequences of Brexit on voting behaviour and political parties.

Jeevun Sandher MP

Jeevun is the MP for Loughborough. Previously he led the economics team at NEF, and has worked as an economist at the Somaliland Ministry of Finance, HM Treasury and Department for Work and Pensions. He has been trade union rep and has taught in disadvantaged schools.

Jeevun has a PhD in Political Economy from King’s College London as well as an MSc in Economic Development and Policy Analysis and a BA in Economics and Philosophy from the University of Nottingham.

Jennifer Hemingway (local government representative)

Jennifer Hemingway is a Labour & Co-operative Councillor in the West Midlands and works as Equalities Officer for the Co-operative Party. As an expert in diversity, equity and inclusion; she has worked in politics, the NHS, local government, teaching and the third sector. She is passionate about local government policy, having been both a councillor and an officer in different authorities. Jennifer is particularly interested in co-operative solutions to  increase the diversity of representation in local and regional government

Jimmy Sergi

Jimmy is a History and Politics student from Merseyside. He has served on the Young Fabians Executive Committee as Blog Editor and Editor of Anticipations, the Young Fabians magazine. He also represents Labour’s affiliated socialist societies on Young Labour’s National Committee.

Joy Allen

Joy was elected as Police and Crime Commissioner for Durham in May 2021. Before this she was a County Councillor (2013-2021) and Cabinet Member, Town Councillor and local Mayor. She is a graduate of the Fabian Women’s Network Mentoring Programme and is currently the Association of Police and Crime Commissioners national lead for addictions and substance misuse and environment and sustainability.

Marianna Masters (Fabian Women’s Netwok representative)

Marianna has been a Streatham Wells councillor since 2018. As a Lambeth born Black woman who has lived in this borough all her life, she is driven to increase opportunities and life chances for all who live and work in our richly diverse ward. Her interest in mental health has made her aware of both health inequalities and racial injustice that affects so many Lambeth residents. She is a Guy’s and St. Thomas’ NHS Trust Governor and also a member of Black Thrive’s Partnership Board that brings together local communities, statutory agencies, and voluntary organisations to address the structural barriers that prevent Black people from accessing mental health services.

Martin McCluskey (Scottish Fabians)

Martin McCluskey is a doctoral researcher at the University of Edinburgh and a former political director of the Scottish Labour party.

Michael Marra MSP (Scottish Fabians)

Michael Marra was elected to the Scottish Parliament as an MSP for the North East Scotland Region on May 6th 2021. In March 2021 Michael was appointed as Scottish Labour’s Spokesperson for Education and Skills and on the 10th April 2023, it was announced he was to become Scottish Labour’s Shadow Cabinet Secretary for Finance. In 2017 Michael was elected as a Councillor for the Lochee Ward in Dundee and held the role until 2022, when he stepped down following his election to the Scottish Parliament.

Mike Hedges (Welsh Fabians)

Originally a research scientist for British Steel at Port Talbot, Mike spent 27 years as a lecturer in Pontypridd, teaching computing, before becoming an Assembly Member.

Mike represented the Morriston ward on Swansea Council between 1989 and 2012 and he held many posts on the council, including Council Leader. Taking an active interest in education, Mike has been a governor of Swansea University, Swansea Institute, Mynyddbach and Morriston Comprehensives, and Swansea College, and is currently chair of the governors of Glyncollen and Ynystawe Primary schools.

Rory O’Brien (staff representative)

Rory joined the Fabian Society in 2022 as part of the events team for the Labour Party Conference before joining the team full time. He graduated from the Royal Central School of Speech and Drama with a degree in production management and spent five years working in the theatre industry. Rory is currently studying for his masters in political communication at Birkbeck, University of London.

Sarah Russell MP

Sarah is the MP for Congleton. Previously, Sarah was an employment rights’ solicitor, and is passionate about combating discrimination in society. She has also been a school governor, a housing association board member, and former councillor.

Sarah is a graduate of the Fabian Women’s Mentoring Scheme.

Sarina Kiayani

Sarina works in policy and communications within the housing-with-care sector. She is currently Women’s Officer of Young Labour, Membership and Recruitment Lead for Labour in Communications, and previously sat on the Young Fabians National Executive. Sarina is actively involved in organisations and initiatives to encourage youth participation in politics.

Shahinoor Alom (Welsh Fabians representative)

Shahinoor is the Wales Public Affairs Officer for the League Against Cruel Sports. Shahinoor is also a Welsh Government appointed Youth Work Strategy Implementation Board member as well as the Deputy Secretary General for the Muslim Council of Wales. Formerly worked in the Senedd as a staff member for long serving member John Griffiths, he is passionate on issues such as young people, the need for adequate housing and promoting opportunities to assist the advancement of economic prosperity and social mobility in the UK.

Bayo Alaba MP

Bayo is the MP for Southend East and Rochford. A former Parachute Regiment Soldier and Labour Councillor, he brings over 22 years of experience in community, voluntary and regeneration intiatives.

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