Young Fabians
The Young Fabians is the under-31 section of the Fabian Society.
As the under-30 section of the Fabian Society, the Young Fabians is the only left-of-centre think tank run by and for young people. We focus on the development of policy ideas through empowering members to contribute to current debate and discussion.
The Young Fabians run a host of events ranging from panel events with high profile speakers to policy workshops focused on generating ideas that seek to solve some of the issues faced by society.
The organisation is responsible for publishing policy pamphlets and members can also contribute their articles to its dedicated magazine: Anticipations. In addition to the national executive, the Young Fabians is home to several policy networks, which run their own events in their specific policy area. Visit the dedicated Young Fabians website here.
Anticipations Magazine

The Autumn 2024 edition of ‘Anticipations’ looks beyond our borders to see what the rest of the world can teach us. From Peru to Singapore, and from issues ranging from Transport to AI, this magazine will analyse how policies and ideas from other nations can teach us in Britain on how to tackle our own domestic issues.

The Summer 2024 edition is the first issue under the new Young Fabian Executive Committee and, most importantly, the first edition in over 14 years to now be made under a Labour government. This edition is a collection of ideas that can be enacted in the short-term to steer Britain to a better place after 14 years of Tory failure.