The future of the left since 1884

News & Insight

The latest news, analysis and opinion from the Fabian Society including highlights from the Fabian Review and web-exclusive commentary and insight.

Dear Lucy Powell - what I'd like Labour to do for schools

30 September 2015

Congratulations on your appointment as the Shadow Secretary of State for Education. At this week's party conference, the development of Labour's education policies for the next general election will start in earnest. I want to share with you five major...

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Listen again: Northern powerhouse: spin or substance?

29 September 2015

This Labour party conference fringe event, in partnership with Heathrow, explored the idea of the northern powerhouse, in particular whether it can reduce the north-south divide, and the political opportunities for Labour. We were joined by: Conor McGinn MP (opposition whip),...

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Listen again: What can austerity Britain afford for older people?

29 September 2015

Following the launch of our cross-party report published with CentreForum and BrightBlue, The Generation Game, this panel explored how the government's spending choices will impact on older people and other vulnerable sections of society. We were joined by Debbie Abrahams MP (shadow...

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The opportunity of opposition

28 September 2015

The last several months have been a period of deep introspection for Labour party members. We emerged from the election in May bruised and unsure about our future. Contrast then to now. However unexpected the direction of the leadership election may...

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Trident is the symbol of a kind of power which is long out of date

28 September 2015

I saw a Trident submarine surface once, a huge, slow black shape on a summer’s day in the Firth of Clyde. It was out of place amidst the sailing yachts and ferry boats, a hulking presence that seemed irrelevant compared...

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Listen again: Fabian Question Time

28 September 2015

At this year's Fabian Question Time, we welcomed Ben Bradshaw MP (Exeter), Angela Rayner MP (Ashton-under-Lyne), Yvonne Roberts (chief leader-writer, The Observer) and Andrew Harrop (general secretary, the Fabian Society) to discuss unity under Corbyn, what the Party should do in opposition, and...

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