The future of the left since 1884

News & Insight

The latest news, analysis and opinion from the Fabian Society including highlights from the Fabian Review and web-exclusive commentary and insight.


The Labour Game of Thrones

11 June 2015

Watching the Labour leadership debate at this year's Fabian Summer Conference, I was reminded of the HBO mega-series Game of Thrones. The battle for the kingdom of Westeros may be all-consuming to the rival leaders who will do anything to...

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Labour and the Economy: Bridging the Credibility Chasm

5 June 2015

“Credibility on economic policy is the holy grail of politics. If it can be obtained, the way ahead for a wide range of policies appears much clearer. Without economic credibility, it becomes almost impossible to convince the public of any...

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Press release

The mountain to climb

1 June 2015

A new Fabian report, 'The Mountain to Climb', reveals that victory for the Labour party will be more than twice as difficult to achieve as in 2015. The report looks at the likely effects of scheduled boundary changes and concludes that...

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Shattering the glass ceiling: Fabian Women’s Network Mentoring Programme

26 May 2015

As a mentee from the second cohort of the Fabian Women's Network (FWN) Mentoring Scheme, I had the honour of speaking at the launch of the FWN Cracks in the Glass Ceiling report in Portcullis House last year. It's an...

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News: Labour leadership election and the Fabians

21 May 2015

The Fabian Society is affiliated to the Labour party and all full members of the society are eligible to vote in the forthcoming election for leader and deputy leader. If your address is in Greater London you are also eligible...

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The UK should be proud to help refugees where it can

13 May 2015

Theresa May has rejected the new EU scheme that seeks to distribute refugees fairly across the EU. Much like the UNHCR scheme to resettle Syrian refugees, the UK will not take part. However, unlike the UN scheme, the EU scheme...

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