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Memos to Ministers: Department of Culture, Media and Sport

17 April 2015

Just as in May 2015, culture was at the heart of an incoming government in 1997. That year, real political change after eighteen years of Conservative rule was reflected in the spirit of ‘cool Britannia’, a prevailing sense that what...

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Places to be: Speech from launch event

16 April 2015

[Check against delivery] The general election is just over three weeks away. It’s the most important election in a generation. A choice not just between parties but between two competing visions of how our country can succeed. A Tory plan that says we...

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Memos to Ministers: The Treasury

16 April 2015

Labour’s five years in opposition culminated in an election manifesto which married fiscal discipline with a programme for social and economic renewal. The document only contained fully costed pledges, but it also promised big solutions on issues from inequality to...

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Stand and Deliver: Review of Michael Barber's 'How to run a government'

15 April 2015

How to Run a Government, so that citizens benefit and taxpayers don’t go crazy Michael Barber (Penguin, March 2015) The skills needed to win elections are very different from those required to govern effectively. In his new book Sir Michael Barber...

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Win, lose or draw, Labour needs to keep changing

14 April 2015

Politics has changed dramatically over the last five years. The coalition, the collapse of the LibDems, the rise of UKIP, the Greens and the SNP; all of this, plus voter anger towards the traditional parties has created a challenging environment...

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The beginning of a journey

13 April 2015

Labour’s manifesto is brimming with important policies. Individually some may be small in scale, but collectively they add up to a great deal. They will change the nation - and they are all contained within the party’s tough commitments on...

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