The future of the left since 1884

News & Insight

The latest news, analysis and opinion from the Fabian Society including highlights from the Fabian Review and web-exclusive commentary and insight.


Reaching out

23 August 2022

SHALINI SHARMA: With the right strategy rooted in its values, Labour can win the British Asian vote back from the Conservatives

Continue Reading Elections / Labour party / Conservatives / Foreign policy
Long read

A new coalition

15 August 2022

JANE GREEN AND ROOSMARIJN DE GEUS: Tackling economic insecurity will be key to winning the support Labour needs if it is to form the next government

Continue Reading Elections
Long read

Working future

10 August 2022

ANGELA RAYNER MP: From day one, a Labour government will strengthen workers’ rights and undo the damage the Conservatives have inflicted on working people

Continue Reading Class / Work

Moments of high drama

3 August 2022

Across nearly 45 years in parliament, Margaret Beckett has made history and shaped it. She speaks to Kate Murray about the rows, resignations and decisions she made that changed Britain forever

Continue Reading Labour party

Losing out

26 July 2022

GIUSEPPE TELESCA: 10 years on it is clear the London Olympics were a missed opportunity for urban regeneration

Continue Reading Class / Conservatives

CALL FOR EVIDENCE: Roadmap to a national care service

24 July 2022

The Fabian Society is undertaking research supported by Unison to develop a roadmap to a national care service for England. We are seeking evidence and proposals for reform from individuals and organisations

Continue Reading Social Care / Disability

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