The future of the left since 1884

News & Insight

The latest news, analysis and opinion from the Fabian Society including highlights from the Fabian Review and web-exclusive commentary and insight.


10 Years of FWN: Opening up local politics

10 February 2015

Last weekend, I chaired the Fabian Society’s session on devolution at the LGA Labour Conference where Graham Allen MP (Chair of the Political and Constitutional Reform Select Committee) urged local authorities and councillors to agree settlement that worked and could...

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Are we at risk of forgetting what freedom of expression means today?

10 February 2015

The Paris terrorist attacks last month were primarily seen as an attack on freedom of speech. Millions attended the rally of national unity, and 40 world leaders were amongst the crowds remembering the victims and supporting the right to free...

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Why Labour shouldn’t learn to stop worrying and love the bomb

10 February 2015

Defence spending has been in the news with a recent debate on Trident and increasing rumours that security forces may be facing yet more cuts focussing largely on conventional forces. Updating Trident is estimated to have cost £1.24bn already. Once...

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10 Years of FWN: What the Fabian Women's Network has done for me

9 February 2015

From reading an article in the Observer a year ago, to a life-changing decision to stand as a Welsh Assembly Member, my political journey has been full of fascinating and inspiring experiences. You could say I’m steeped in politics. My grandfather...

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10 Years of FWN: Keys to the gates of power

9 February 2015

The concept of the Fabian Women’s mentoring and political education programme was quite straightforward. Fabian women with experience of political and public life would support other Fabian women on their journey into politics and public life. In addition to one-to-one...

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10 Years of FWN: Women, power and the global backlash

6 February 2015

Anyone who was under the illusion that we are living in a golden age for women should have found the past year a sobering experience. Around the world, women are under renewed attack, and we need to start thinking about...

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