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News & Insight

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Worlds apart: What should the Fabians do to increase political engagement?

9 April 2014

As 2015 looms, an increasing number of people feel that the democratic process in the UK is unrelated to their everyday lives. A recent poll, for instance, found that 40 per cent of Britons feel entirely disconnected from party politics....

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Human rights should be as important as trade for UK foreign policy

8 April 2014

Back during his first few months in Number 10, David Cameron committed to “a more commercial foreign policy”, “placing our commercial interests at the heart of our foreign policy”. But to what extent is this compatible with the foreign secretary’s...

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Time to make living wage a requirement, not an optional extra

7 April 2014

If ever there was a cause whose time has come, it must be the living wage. Ed Miliband has pledged to make it a condition of government contracts if Labour wins the next election, while Boris Johnson has called on...

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Local councils could lose millions if our banks fail again

4 April 2014

Every week a respected financial journalist or academic issues a warning on the next big financial bubble threatening the global economy. Cambridge economist Ha Joon Chang recently sounded the alarm regarding stock market bubbles of historic proportions, despite GDP output in...

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What can we do about smog in the UK?

3 April 2014

The smog in much of the UK at present is not as visible as the infamous 1950s smogs, and may not be quite as dangerous. But it is not safe. The 50s smogs were vanquished by a Conservative government banning...

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2 April 2014

The forthcoming general election will be fought in a radically redefined political context from the last: the UK government is in coalition, Labour is determined to be a one-term opposition for the first time in 40 years and the post-war...

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