The future of the left since 1884

News & Insight

The latest news, analysis and opinion from the Fabian Society including highlights from the Fabian Review and web-exclusive commentary and insight.


Let's do better

27 January 2022

SONNY LEONG: The Labour party is still not a happy place for too many members. We need to work together to change that.

Continue Reading Diversity / Labour party

At all costs

24 January 2022

KUDSIA BATOOL: We must not rest until a fairer economy and workplace equality are won

Continue Reading Women / Employment / Inequality

A growing movement

21 January 2022

VIDHYA ALAKESON AND NICK PLUMB: Community businesses are vital for a fairer Britain

Continue Reading Business / Inequality

In focus

20 January 2022

KELLY GREHAN: There is a direct link between domestic abuse and suicide which cannot go ignored

Continue Reading Women / Justice
Long read

Leading the way

18 January 2022

We campaign for better representation in politics. But what difference do women politicians actually make? ROSIE CAMPBELL investigates

Continue Reading Women / Elections / Inequality
Long read

Phoenix from the ashes

17 January 2022

Not so long ago, there were fears that Germany’s SPD faced electoral wipeout – but now its candidate has become chancellor. ED TURNER and DAVIDE VAMPA chart the party’s road from despair to victory and consider whether it holds lessons for Labour

Continue Reading Elections / European Union

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