The future of the left since 1884

News & Insight

The latest news, analysis and opinion from the Fabian Society including highlights from the Fabian Review and web-exclusive commentary and insight.


National interest

7 November 2014

For the first time this year, Jim Murphy had a slot at the Edinburgh Festival, sharing a fringe platform with a comedian friend. His subject was the 100 venue tour in which he set up his Irn Bru crates on...

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A design for life: A new era of grassroots politics

6 November 2014

Walk down an average British street and you are more likely to meet a member of the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds or the Caravan Club than a member of a political party. Both of these apparently esoteric...

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Archives full of life: Adventures in the LSE's Fabian collection

5 November 2014

Looking back in 1968 over his long political life, the great Fabian Leonard Woolf wrote: "I see clearly that I have achieved practically nothing. The world today and the history of the human anthill during the last fifty-seven years would be...

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Equal pay day: The real cost of motherhood

4 November 2014

It's equal pay day - from today, women will effectively 'work for free' from today until the New Year - 57 days in total and three days longer than in 2013. Statistically more women than men now attend university in the...

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Britain shouldn't turn its back on Mare Nostrum

3 November 2014

The government recently declared that the UK will no longer take part in rescue missions to save those who have taken a perilous journey in the hopes of seeking asylum overseas. These rescue missions, known as Mare Nostrum, have saved...

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The whole picture: How to fund integrated health and social care

3 November 2014

The NHS Act, passed in 1946, “lifted the shadow of fear from the homes of millions”, according to Nye Bevan, the creator of the modern health service. That shadow has fallen again, and this time round the lives most darkened...

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