The future of the left since 1884

News & Insight

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Labour's retirement revolution

19 September 2014

If the Labour Party wins the 2015 election it will come to power 32 days into a revolution in pension policy that is set to leave British retirements permanently diminished. So the Opposition must use the next six months to...

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Review: The Blunders of our Governments

10 September 2014

The Blunders of our Governments by Anthony King and Ivor Crewe, the result of four years research, is a major contribution to the discussion around some of the domestic legacies of both the Thatcher/Major and Blair/Brown governments. The authors seek to...

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Air pollution: A hidden killer

10 September 2014

In 1952, during the great smog of London, 4000 people died from the pollution that filled the air.  In 2014, almost 30,000 people in the UK will die prematurely because of air pollution.  Today, as Maria Eagle and Sadiq Khan...

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Enemies of the state: Is Labour the party of the voluntary sector?

4 September 2014

Is Labour the party of the voluntary sector? Community engagement is at the heart of the ‘one nation’ narrative, and in Lisa Nandy, the shadow civil society minister, the party has an experienced champion. Meanwhile, the pledge to repeal the...

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We all have a responsibility towards victims of religious persecution

26 August 2014

The last fortnight has seen the issue of religious persecution hit the headlines once more. Whilst there is sadly nothing new with discrimination towards religious minorities, what has been palpably different this time is the British public's attitude towards people...

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Climate policy is worth a speech

12 August 2014

At last, a member of the shadow cabinet has given a speech about climate change. Maria Eagle, the shadow environment secretary, went to WWF’s headquarters in Woking yesterday and talked about the choice on offer to the electorate next May: David...

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