The future of the left since 1884

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The acid test for international justice

6 August 2014

As of today, 1,814 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli forces.  Almost a quarter of the dead are children.  The Israeli military has targeted schools, hospitals and civilian homes in Gaza. Overall the picture is one of carnage and collective...

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A new Treasury view

5 August 2014

There has always been a strand in Labour thinking that has had it in for the Treasury. The argument goes that all that is holding a victorious Labour government back from transforming the British economy into a fair, growth-orientated, balanced place...

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How Europe can be the future once again

5 August 2014

Europe was the future once – and it could be once again. Pro-Europeans like to accuse Nigel Farage and the Eurosceptics of wanting to take the country back to the 1950s, perhaps the 1850s. But the uncomfortable truth is that...

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Right direction: Conservative party modernisation has barely begun

1 August 2014

David Cameron may hold on to power at the next general election – probably as leader of the largest party and possibly with a small majority of his own. But if he begins a second prime ministerial term it won’t...

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Environmentalism? Crowdfunding is the way to go

31 July 2014

The cost of living crisis has worrying consequences which reach beyond finding enough money to put food on the table, pay energy bills, and keep up with the mortgage or rent. More seemingly remote political concerns such as environmentalism suffer...

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Review: Shredded – Inside RBS, the bank that broke Britain

24 July 2014

Last month I met up with author Ian Fraser to discuss his must-read new book Shredded – Inside RBS, the Bank that Broke Britain. Shredded, which documents the rise and fall of RBS, is a gripping story that every British taxpayer...

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