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News & Insight

The latest news, analysis and opinion from the Fabian Society including highlights from the Fabian Review and web-exclusive commentary and insight.

We're all localists now, but Labour’s decentralisation remains contested

3 July 2014

From the left to the right of the Labour party, it would seem we’re all localists now. The latest example came this week, with Andrew Adonis’s proposals for economic decentralisation met by almost universal acclaim. If the ‘big state’ Fabians...

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The truth behind the latest poverty statistics

2 July 2014

Yesterday the DWP published updated statistics on poverty in Britain. As predicted here, despite being four years into an austerity parliament the publication of the Households Below Average Income (HBAI) for 2012-13 shows that poverty (relative and absolute) unchanged on...

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Adonis report should address the innovation gender gap

1 July 2014

As Lord Adonis publishes his regional growth review today, it is very good news that Labour will devolve responsibility from central government for the spending of at least £6bn a year on transport, housing, welfare and infrastructure to boost regional...

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Labour's Fightback

28 June 2014

In the last 18 months the Labour party has announced a wide range of eyecatching policies. No longer can critics claim that the party has nothing to say. But many of those announcements are ‘doorstep’ pledges designed to win Labour the next election...

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Education and Labour’s social mission: Tristram Hunt Fabian Society Lecture

24 June 2014

Thank you. It is, as ever, a great pleasure to be speaking from the platform of the affiliated Fabian Society. And a tremendous honour too to be invited to give a lecture in the year of your 130th anniversary. “Educate, Agitate, Organise” is...

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Citizen central: What Labour can learn from cooperative councils

17 June 2014

February was the month when senior Labour figures began to set out a new vision for public services. Speeches by Ed Miliband and Jon Cruddas sketched their proposals for a radical redistribution of power from central government to individuals, communities...

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