The future of the left since 1884

News & Insight

The latest news, analysis and opinion from the Fabian Society including highlights from the Fabian Review and web-exclusive commentary and insight.


A safety net for all

25 May 2022

PASCALE ROBINSON: Ten years ago today, Theresa May announced plans to create a hostile environment for migrants – a policy which has caused untold harm. To protect migrants and refugees Labour must pledge to end the use of no recourse to public funds

Continue Reading Immigration / Justice

The right values

20 May 2022

JESSICA TOALE: War in Ukraine has exposed the gulf between Labour and the Conservatives

Continue Reading Foreign policy / Labour party / Conservatives

Home for longer

19 May 2022

AMY CLARKE: Labour is right to push for a home-first approach to social care

Continue Reading Social Care / Health
Long read

A real alternative

11 May 2022

TULIP SIDDIQ MP sets out Labour’s vision for the economy, with sustainable growth which is fair for all

Continue Reading Labour party / Economy

The Fabian Queen's speech

10 May 2022

The Fabian Society proposes a dozen bills as a progressive alternative to today's Queen's speech

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Book review

Shades of red, white and blue

4 May 2022

WILL HENSHALL: Kathleen Powers’ book challenges conventional wisdoms around nationalism and militarism

Continue Reading Foreign policy

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