The future of the left since 1884

News & Insight

The latest news, analysis and opinion from the Fabian Society including highlights from the Fabian Review and web-exclusive commentary and insight.


A growing scandal

25 March 2022

ANNE CLARKE: Millions of people are trapped in unsafe homes they cannot sell

Continue Reading Housing / Inequality
Long read

An opportunity for revival

24 March 2022

JEFF SMITH MP: Labour’s plans for the tourism sector can level up the country and improve life for workers, residents and visitors alike.

Continue Reading Tourism / Economy

Moving on up

17 March 2022

BASIT MAHMOOD: We must do more on social mobility

Continue Reading Class / Work

Still unequal

14 March 2022

ZACH GRIFFITHS: The Labour party is failing disabled people, right when we need it the most

Continue Reading Disability / Labour party

The power of work

9 March 2022

JAMES COLDWELL: Pledging work for all will be key to a Labour election victory

Continue Reading Economy / Work

Rebuilding bridges

3 March 2022

HILARY BENN MP: A better relationship with Europe is possible

Continue Reading Brexit

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