The future of the left since 1884

News & Insight

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Rural idyll? The forgotten faces of fuel poverty

20 December 2013

Historically, rural households have been the forgotten faces of fuel poverty. Hidden beneath the idyll of chocolate-box cottages and rolling countryside, households in rural areas are more likely to suffer from fuel poverty than their urban counterparts and schemes designed...

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Top five lessons from 2013: Environment & Citizenship

20 December 2013

It’s been a great year for our Environment & Citizenship programme. In January 2013 the policy review under John Cruddas asked the Fabian Society to explore how Labour builds a popular environmentalism. In a packed Westminster Hall committee room over...

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Top five lessons from 2013: Economy

19 December 2013

2013 was the year in which things began to get better for the UK economy, with headline indicators of growth and employment moving in a positive direction. The government has felt empowered to claim its economic plan is working, and...

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Our London: On the day

17 December 2013

To celebrate the publication of the new Fabian Society pamphlet ‘Our London’, we thought it crucial to hold an informal roundtable/on-floor discussion to inspire the capitals progressive policy for 2015, and beyond. Hosted alongside the pamphlets partners Unions Together and The...

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Tackling the housing crisis: the Lyons Commission

16 December 2013

There is a housing crisis in Britain that can no longer be ignored. If we carry on as we are, by 2020 there will be two million too few homes in Britain. This chronic shortage of housing affects families and...

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Review: Our London

16 December 2013

Do young Londoners like me still have the same opportunities as the last generation? That’s one of the questions asked by Shadow London Minister Sadiq Khan in ‘Our London’ – a book devoted to debate and discussion on the future...

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