The future of the left since 1884

News & Insight

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How to build a one nation society

2 October 2013

With the prospects for a rapid reduction in inequality frankly remote, One Nation social democracy has to be about more than economics. Social democrats today must set out to equalize life chances and people’s ability to lead valuable lives even...

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How to build a one nation economy

1 October 2013

When Ed Miliband unveiled ‘One Nation Labour’ it was much more than a daring rhetorical land-grab. For One Nation is an organizing concept that can breathe fresh life into social democracy in an age where class defines and divides us...

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Mental health matters to all of us

24 September 2013

Mental health is still treated completely differently from physical health. To ensure mental health sits at the heart of the whole person agenda, politicians must lead the way in helping to destroy taboos, and underpin changing attitudes by law. When I...

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A very Fabian referendum

24 September 2013

Calls for an EU referendum may not seem the most natural territory for the Labour Party. For years we have been the major proponent of close European integration within British politics, while demands for a referendum have been the preserve...

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Why it matters: Care for the whole person

24 September 2013

Two years before the election, the NHS is under attack. A&E delivery is falling apart: 11 hospital trusts joining those of us in special measures and 20 more in financial crisis, while the NHS has been told to find £24.25bn...

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An incomplete revolution

24 September 2013

Afghan women have experienced fairly obvious gains over the past twelve years. This has been possible due to the continuous efforts of women from various spheres of life, along with the Government of Afghanistan and its international allies, creating an...

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