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Socialism now

9 October 2012

In 1974 Tony Crosland, the leading post-war Labour party intellectual, wrote his last major work, Socialism Now. Three years later he was dead. The title can be meant in two ways. The first is an analysis of socialism (or social...

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Pro-Tory? Pro-Europe? Back an election day referendum

9 October 2012

Yesterday, at the kind request of Conservative Home, I tried to put partisanship to one side and think clearly about how best to tackle some of the big questions facing politics come 2015. Now, this being Conservative Party Conference, my...

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Committing to community politics

8 October 2012

A year ago, the Liberal Democrats reaffirmed their commitment to community politics. This is more than a campaigning methodology; indeed, to quote from the book that started it all (Bernard Greaves and Gordon Lishman’s The Theory and Practice of Community...

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Don't let great be the enemy of the good

8 October 2012

Despite their differences in views, it seems all the party conferences see the issue of apprenticeships as a popular fringe topic. It came up again at a Fabian Society roundtable, which I attended while at the Labour conference in Manchester. Why...

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The many layers of one nation Labour

4 October 2012

'One nation' Labour. What a blinder. I am brimming over in admiration for Ed Miliband and his team for this most audacious of rhetorical land grabs. Not because it was a cheeky, clever conference week headline but because it provides...

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Going local

3 October 2012

All politics is local seems to be the unsurprising, yet insightful, finding of the Fabian's polling of non-voters. If politicians want to encourage people back to the ballot box they need to spend "more time doing good work in my...

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