The future of the left since 1884

News & Insight

The latest news, analysis and opinion from the Fabian Society including highlights from the Fabian Review and web-exclusive commentary and insight.

Getting back to normal?

13 July 2012

This might sound odd given their obvious mutual dislike but it is possible that Ed Balls and George Osborne have more in common that you think; something pretty fundamental in fact. What binds them is their shared faith that, sooner...

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The beginnings of a new social democracy

11 July 2012

Over the last 60 years, European social democracy has moved (though with varying degrees across nations) from ascendancy in the post-war era to marginalisation from the early 1980s and then to 'The Third Way' period of accommodation to markets from...

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Liz Kendall: government making "massive mistake" on social care

10 July 2012

On the eve of publication of the government's care and support white paper, Liz Kendall tells the Fabian Review that the Treasury would be making a “massive mistake” not to support Andrew Dilnot’s proposed £35,000 cap on individual payments of...

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“Labour wins when it combines method with meaning”

6 July 2012

At last Saturday’s Fabian summer conference, Labour’s general secretary, Iain McNicol, argued: “Labour had nearly two million conversations between January and May this year. Imagine if all those conversations tweeted as #LabourDoorstep were about more than just voting intentions. If we had...

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It's about Democracy, not Diamond

3 July 2012

If the Ed Miliband camp cites the resignation of Bob Diamond this morning as a victory and the culmination of a weekend spent campaigning and lecturing, they will have completely misunderstood how high the stakes are. Bob Diamond now has plenty...

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Values, vision and vehicle

2 July 2012

To reconnect with the British people and rediscover our governing purpose, Labour needs to do three things: understand afresh the values of our politics; articulate a new vision that tells the story of our policy; and upgrade the Labour Party...

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