The future of the left since 1884

News & Insight

The latest news, analysis and opinion from the Fabian Society including highlights from the Fabian Review and web-exclusive commentary and insight.

Look North

29 May 2012

When the US bank robber Willie Sutton was asked why he robbed banks he replied “because it’s where the money is.”  Political parties need also to be looking “where the seats are” and examining reality rather than falling for mythology.That...

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Mission Impossible?

28 May 2012

In the basement of the Fabian Society offices sit a series of archive shelves that slide around like something out of an Indiana Jones library set. When in the basement waiting for a printing job to finish, I occasionally flick...

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The Beveridge Report: Eight lessons for today

25 May 2012

The Beveridge Report, the inspiration for post-1945 social security, is the obvious place to start when considering common ground between the political thinking of Labour and the Liberal Democrats. Grounded in decades of Fabian research, writing and argument the post-war...

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I have a dream

24 May 2012

It is June 2015, and the European prime ministers are meeting to discuss how the European parliament can represent European parties, instead of national parties. Prime minister Ed Miliband speaks at the airport and then off he goes to meet...

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Labour and Liberal Democrat thought

24 May 2012

Last week the society held the first in a series of seminars with the Social Liberal Forum, which will aim to explore overlap and common ground in the political ideas of Labour and the Liberal Democrats. The series aims to...

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23 May 2012

America shows that austerity cramps growth, stimulus aids it. The potential of the UK labour market depends on strategic investment. The most valuable economic asset any country has is its people. And when those people are squeezed by circumstance, policymakers need to ask...

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