The future of the left since 1884

News & Insight

The latest news, analysis and opinion from the Fabian Society including highlights from the Fabian Review and web-exclusive commentary and insight.


Fighting gentrification

5 August 2020

LIZA BEGUM: With Labour’s help, we can save social housing.

Continue Reading Housing / Class / Race / Inequality

Accepting the facts

3 August 2020

COLIN YEO: It is time to start seeing migrants as citizens-in-waiting.

Continue Reading Immigration

Planning for victory

29 July 2020

This month marks the 75th anniversary of Labour’s 1945 victory. What lessons are there for the party in 2020 and beyond? Paul Dimoldenberg discusses.

Continue Reading Elections / Labour party

In need of reform

24 July 2020

JOSIE CHANNER: The prison system is failing women.

Continue Reading Women / Justice / Education
Long read

Cruel and unusual

17 July 2020

The power to revoke citizenship is undemocratic – but the UK government has been denationalising its citizens at an increasing rate. Patti Tamara Lenard looks closely at the Shamima Begum case.

Continue Reading Human rights / Justice / Democracy

Face the facts

16 July 2020

DAVID SMITH: Live facial recognition technology could compound racism in society.

Continue Reading Race / Technology / Inequality / Justice

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