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2030 Vision: The final report of the Fabian Society Commission on Future Spending Choices

The report looks at spending pressures over the next two decades and how government might respond and also makes recommendations about how to improve the process, planning, and effectiveness of public spending.


This is the final report of the Fabian Society Commission on Future Spending Choices, which was established to explore the public spending choices facing government over the next two decades, including in the next parliament. It asks how these decisions can be made in a way that maximises prosperity, sustainability and social justice.

Political leaders must set out their future vision for the country and shape the spending decisions of today to achieve these ambitions. This requires a departure from the short termism which currently dominates public spending and new mechanisms to embed the long-term perspective at all levels of decision making. Over the short term, the Commission proposes an approach to reducing the deficit that returns the public finances to a sustainable position in a timely manner without neglecting the economic and social investment which will lay the foundations of national success in the future.

2030 Vision assesses a number of scenarios for public spending from 2016 onwards and concludes that the next government can afford to spend more, but must spend in line with long-term objectives.

If you are a member you can email to request a free copy of the publication. If you are not a member, you can buy a printed copy edition of 2030 Vision for £9.95, plus £1 p+p, by phoning the Fabian Society bookshop on 020 7227 4900, emailing us at or send a cheque payable to “The Fabian Society” to 61 Petty France, London, SW1H 9EU.

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Copies are available, priced £9.95, from the Fabian Society. Call 020 7227 4900, email or send a cheque payable to The Fabian Society to 61 Petty France, London, SW1H 9EU.

Future Spending Choices Commission

Chaired by Lord McFall of Alcuith, the Future Spending Choices committee made recommendations on how spending decisions can be made in a way that best safeguards prosperity, sustainability and social justice prior to the 2015 General Election.

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