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Fabian Fringe at Labour Conference Sunday: LIVE BLOG

2105: And that's that. Observation: Owen Jones gets more applause at Labour conference fringe meetings than Dan Hodges. Who'd have thunk. And Polly Toynbee doesn't like events running over time.

That's it for #FabLab day one. Thanks for reading and there'll be...

The badger cull is no cure

And so it begins.

After an odyssey of Homeric proportions through the UK legal system, the coalition's Godzilla style rampage though England's green and pleasant land continues with a new enemy: the badger. This cull is a jackhammer blow to biodiversity...

Creating co-operative libraries

Lambeth Council is taking a radically different approach to transforming our library service.  Despite losing a third of our available budget from the government we will not be closing any libraries, outsourcing the service to private companies or handing over...

The beginnings of a new social democracy

Over the last 60 years, European social democracy has moved (though with varying degrees across nations) from ascendancy in the post-war era to marginalisation from the early 1980s and then to 'The Third Way' period of accommodation to markets from...

Habermas' "The Crisis of the European Union: A Response"

In modern societies 'debt' refers to an economic relationship of incomplete exchange, based on the expectation that it will, at some point, be closed through repayment. As this relationship extends indefinitely into the future the institution of debt is intimately...

Look North

When the US bank robber Willie Sutton was asked why he robbed banks he replied “because it’s where the money is.”  Political parties need also to be looking “where the seats are” and examining reality rather than falling for mythology.That...

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