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Places to be: Speech from launch event

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The general election is just over three weeks away.

It’s the most important election in a generation. A choice not just between parties but between two competing visions of how our country can succeed.

A Tory plan that says we...

Home is where the heart is

Ruth Davis traces how the green movement and the wider left became estranged from people’s everyday lives – and how we might come together again around an English politics of nature...

Top five lessons from 2013: Environment & Citizenship

It’s been a great year for our Environment & Citizenship programme. In January 2013 the policy review under John Cruddas asked the Fabian Society to explore how Labour builds a popular environmentalism. In a packed Westminster Hall committee room over...

A green and pleasant land?

The abortive attempt by the coalition government to sell of the nation’s forests, the closure of many libraries and significant reductions to arts funding have caused considerable public anger. The cultural fabric of local communities across Britain is being eroded...

Why our green space are facing an existential crisis

Over the course of the next parliament, our green spaces face an existential crisis. In rosier economic times, the last Labour government embarked on a major program of investment in the public realm. There was not just a sense that...

Green Places

The local environment can be the 'green thread' that binds devolution deals together.
Edited by Ed Wallis and Claire Sewell
October 2016

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