The future of the left since 1884

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Educate first, vote second

That young voters have a low turnout during elections is not a new phenomenon. However, what is new - and alarming - is that young people are now even less likely to vote than young people a generation ago. Recent...

5 things we need from Miliband's speech

1. Extend the narrative on injecting competition in dysfunctional markets
Breaking up concentrations of power in the economy has been a continual theme in the Labour leader’s vision of a new economy. Injecting greater competition into a banking system in which...

Salmond won't address inequality inside Scotland's borders

This year in Scotland, the division between ‘nationalists’ and ‘unionists’ is the one that will dominate our political debate. But for those of us who care deeply about Scotland and our country’s future, this should be deeply worrying. And for...

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