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Framing the Future

A joint report from the Fabian Society and Bright Blue calls for a new pensions commission and presents plans for how it should work

Consensus continued?

The last 15 years have seen impressive cross-party consensus on pensions policy, particularly the establishment and extension of auto-enrolment into workplace pensions. But further reforms are required to ensure more people have sufficient resources for retirement.

Future pensions policy

There are five particular policy issues with pensions that need urgent attention from politicians and policymakers...

Building a more socially integrated society

Think tanks from the right and left of politics spend a lot of their time arguing with each other. But there is plenty we agree on too, and the need for social mixing and a shared common life is something that...

Baby boomers are not selfish - policymakers should help them give more

Hogging houses. Avoiding the chancellor’s axe. Beneficiaries of generous pensions and healthcare from government. This is the stereotype of a babyboomer, today’s 50 and 60-somethings who have become the new bankers: lambasted for their apparent selfishness.

The babyboomers have indeed been...

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