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Winter 2013

In our final edition of 2013, the Fabian Review looks at the year ahead for Labour and assesses why 2014 might be the last chance for Labour's radicals to assert themselves ahead of the general election with contributions from Sunder Katwala, Emma Burnell and a number of MPs commenting on what Labour's focus for the next year should be.

Autumn 2013

In our 2013 conference edition, the Fabian Review profiles 'Labour's Next Majority', electoral analysis from Deputy General Secretary Marcus Roberts who highlights the importance of Lib Dem switchers, new and non voters and a sliver of Conservatives to 'Miliband's Majority'.

All of our Business

This collection reveals new YouGov polling on the economy and business and explores ideas to build a much closer relationship between government and industry.
Edited by Anya Pearson and Ed Wallis
September 2013

Summer 2013

The summer Fabian Review features new research on growing inequality and highlights why Labour needs to rediscover its egalitarian core. With Howard Reed on why the coalition's benefit reforms are a speeded-up version of Thatcherism; Kate Bell on the arguments for investing in childhood; Andrew Simms asks 'do we want to grow forever?' and Mary Riddell speaks to Arnie Graf, the influential adviser to Ed Miliband on Labour's community-organising revolution.

Spring 2013

Patrick Diamond on what the left can do in an era of less growth, less public spending and lower living standards; Sarah Mulley on Labour's immigration challenge; Stuart White and Martin O'Neill on the 'New Labour that wasn't' and the lessons for 'one nation' Labour today.

Next Generation Europe

The pro-EU argument needs to spell out the practical benefits of the EU. This means addressing the insecurities of young people around job losses and immigration, whilst at the same time demonstrating what the EU brings to their day-to-day lives.
Edited by Sofie Jenkinson and Ed Wallis.
May 2013

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