The future of the left since 1884

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A huge contribution

Jeremy Corbyn delivered his first speech following Theresa May’s snap general election announcement from the Birmingham Carers Hub where he'd gone to listen to more than 60 carers looking after loved ones who are older, disabled or seriously ill.

And while...

Family and kinship for the 21st century

Finding affordable, good quality, flexible childcare has long been a headache for working parents. But the government has plans to address this issue. This September the amount of free childcare offered to three and four year olds in England will...

Troubling times

On the steps of Downing Street, Theresa May promised to speak for "the ordinary working-class family" struggling to make ends meet. Historically, when politicians have spoken of ‘ordinary’ working-class families, however, they have done so with reference to the other...

A welcome strategy

Each year one in four people experience a mental health problem. If you haven't experienced a mental health problem yourself, it is likely that a close friend or family member has, although - given the on-going stigma attached to mental...

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