The future of the left since 1884

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Pro-Tory? Pro-Europe? Back an election day referendum

Yesterday, at the kind request of Conservative Home, I tried to put partisanship to one side and think clearly about how best to tackle some of the big questions facing politics come 2015. Now, this being Conservative Party Conference, my...

Obama 2012: get it done

Explaining the ‘08 to ‘12 change

In 2008 the mantra within Senator Obama's campaign for staff and volunteers alike was "Respect - Empower - Include" . In 2012 a fourth word has been added: "Win".

This change serves as both metaphor and...

Why Labour must talk about foreign policy

A new Fabian Society pamphlet that maps out Labour’s policy direction under Ed Miliband has successfully set the centre-left all-a-flutter this month. As ‘The Shape of Things to Come’ landed on Fabian members’ doorsteps, the prospect of a clear post-New...

Getting back to normal?

This might sound odd given their obvious mutual dislike but it is possible that Ed Balls and George Osborne have more in common that you think; something pretty fundamental in fact. What binds them is their shared faith that, sooner...

The beginnings of a new social democracy

Over the last 60 years, European social democracy has moved (though with varying degrees across nations) from ascendancy in the post-war era to marginalisation from the early 1980s and then to 'The Third Way' period of accommodation to markets from...

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