The future of the left since 1884

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The politics of migration

The former foreign secretary, David Miliband, observed a couple of years ago that all over the world there are "societies struggling to cope with migration, and to cope without it". His words could be applied to the tension in British...

Support system

The left needs to stop lecturing British Muslim women, writes Shaista Aziz
Post-Brexit, hate crime has soared. But while the political discourse around austerity, immigration and the refugee crisis has created an environment where growing numbers of people seem to feel...

Hope against hate

Can King's vision overcome Trump's vitriol?
On November 13, 1967, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. delivered an impromptu speech in Newcastle upon Tyne after receiving an honorary doctorate from Newcastle University. King challenged his British audience to join him in confronting...

Reasons to be fearful

Liberal democracy and scapegoating minorities
The stupefying election of Donald Trump to the presidency of the United States offers the most spectacular example of the vulnerability of the values which liberal democracy is based upon. Forgive the alarmism, but 2016 risks...

Rural America: 'A silent majority'

For the British viewer, Tuesday’s US presidential election night coverage unfolded in eerily familiar fashion to the Brexit referendum night. Premised on early voting that suggested huge Hispanic turnout in urban Florida and Trump’s weak showing in typically Republican cities,...

A rich collective history

Shaping the national debate post-Brexit
Many of us who had campaigned to remain woke up to a sense of deep and inexorable loss when it was announced the UK had voted to leave the European Union. Although the polls had indicated...

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