For the first time this year, Jim Murphy had a slot at the Edinburgh Festival, sharing a fringe platform with a comedian friend. His subject was the 100 venue tour in which he set up his Irn Bru crates on...
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Walk down an average British street and you are more likely to meet a member of the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds or the Caravan Club than a member of a political party. Both of these apparently esoteric...
Nick Clegg’s declaration last week that UK drugs policy was ‘idiotic’ merited far more attention than it received. The Lib Dems have announced to take steps towards treating addiction as a health issue rather than a criminal one and to...
The coming months will see an orgy of speculation about the prospects for Lib-Lab co-operation in another hung parliament. Labour insists it is on course for a working majority, but most commentators agree that there is a high probability that...
The genie of nationalism has been truly unleashed by Alex Salmond, and Labour now finds itself buffeted by unprecedented forces on either side of the border. Douglas Carswell has ripped apart the delicate Tory truce on Europe and the obscure...
The recent election results were a mixed blessing for the Labour party. Despite coming first in terms of national vote share in the local elections and seeing the further collapse of the Liberal Democrat vote, the successes clearly did not...