It can be a miserable being an agency worker. As a temporary teaching assistant in inner London schools, I would traipse halfway across London on my way to a job before finding that my booking had been cancelled last minute,...
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The sections on ‘Better workplaces’ and ‘Improving employment rights’ in the Your Britain policy consultation on Work & Business, now in their third iteration, remain extraordinarily weak and woolly. To be doorstep ready, they must become more radical, and more...
If ever there was a cause whose time has come, it must be the living wage. Ed Miliband has pledged to make it a condition of government contracts if Labour wins the next election, while Boris Johnson has called on...
The recent report published by the Fabians, ‘Measure for Measure’, argued that a broader, more sophisticated analysis of the economy should be used. Rather than relying on traditional economic success indicators - growth, inflation, and unemployment - the report argued...
The restraint shown by the Low Pay Commission recently in recommending a three per cent rise in the national minimum wage is justifiable. The LPC has responsibility over a very successful instrument for attacking serious deprivation in the UK: it has almost...
Ed Miliband has been blazing a trail for living wages, calling out the private sector on the poverty pay which keeps people reliant on state support. There are many major companies which this applies to, but one in particular deserves...