The essay series ’England expects: The new English deal and the politics of positivity’ by Richard Carr and Dominic Rustecki is a really important contribution to the debate about why we need to transfer power down to communities. I hope you find...
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We opened our analysis of the English deal last week with a discussion of how to hardwire devolution into the political process. We now intend to use this and next week’s essays to outline some of the benefits the principle...
Regardless of the outcome of the next general election, money will be tight in terms of public spending priorities. Labour at local level is keen to see real change in all neighbourhoods. After May 2015 we cannot continue more of...
Despite popular myth making by both its opponents and its allies, and the evidence of its record in government, the Labour party has not always been about a centralising, exclusively administrative approach to government. In many ways its origins are...
In the wake of Ed Miliband's foray into the ever-stormy waters of public service reform the analysis ranges from the inevitable Thatcher and Blair comparisons to meditations on how the speech represented either a "buried Fabianism" or that "dice are loaded...
What does over-eating have to do with Labour’s performance at local elections? A new report by the Electoral Reform Society suggests that just as eating a whole box of Christmas chocs leaves you feeling unhealthy and full of regret by...